The expression "Red note" has been used in Mexico to colloquially designate a type of news on topics related with the public security and the penal justice, as well as those that inform about social and personal misfortunes. In "Red Note," the reader will go through the fascinating and sometimes atrocious history of this journalistic gender from its origins, in the XVIII century, up to the present time, when we are in the middle of the "info entertaining" age, the live broadcasting of death and the global peak of organized crime. The book is full with interesting anecdotes, reporters' stories and much-talked-about police cases. Furthermore, it can also be considered a new manual of journalism, in a gender that has been despised but that almost always has the biggest audiences. "Red note" fulfills two difficult tasks: to explain to the ordinary citizen how this type of news is carried out and what it has to do with his or her life, while aspiring to become an obliged reference for those who practice or seek to practice journalism, in printed and electronic media. All the indispensable tools for a new way to inform and to be informed are contained within these pages. La expresin nota roja ha servido en Mxico para designar coloquialmente un tipo de noticias sobre temas relacionados con la seguridad pblica y la justicia penal, as como aquellas que dan cuenta de las desgracias sociales y personales. En Nota(n) roja el lector recorrer la fascinante y a veces atroz historia de este gnero periodstico desde sus orgenes, en el siglo XVIII, hasta la actualidad en plena era del infoentretenimiento, la transmisin de muerte en directo y el auge global del crimen organizado. El libro est lleno de interesantes ancdotas, historias de reporteros y sonados casos policiacos. Ms an, puede ser considerado tambin un nuevo manual de periodismo, en un gnero despreciado pero que muchas veces cuenta con las mayores audiencias.